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Login To RossNet To log this computer into RossNet, simply enter your RossNetID and password below. If you can't remember your RossNetID or password, you can find out. If you don't have a RossNetID, then you should register, so as to create a RossNet identity. Registering logs you in automatically.
You can login and logout any particular computer at will. You can have several computers simultaneously logged in, or none. Once a computer is logged in, it will stay permanently logged in until you logout (or until its login status information is accidentally deleted (e.g. during a browser upgrade)). If you check the AutoLogout option, you will be
automatically logged out when your browser quits. This option is
useful if you want to access RossNet from someone else's computer,
and you don't want them to be able to assume your RossNet identity
after you've gone. However, unless you're concerned about this, you should
login permanently.